Corporate Social Responsibility

We believe our organisation has a responsibility that extends beyond our own business to the community in which we operate. 

For this reason, we run a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program that comprises three key initiatives:

1. Charities of Choice

MDA National currently has beyondblue as one of its elected charities of choice to support. This association fosters the natural synergy between MDA National's core purpose to support our Members over and above medical indemnity, and beyondblue's mission to provide a national focus and community leadership in preventing depression and responding effectively by:

  • supporting doctors' mental health and wellbeing
  • ensuring doctors are supported in caring for patients with mental health issues
  • promoting understanding and compassion within the medical community, starting with our own staff and Members.

2. Employee Volunteering Program

MDA National donates one day of Volunteer Leave per year to all full-time and part-time employees. This means our people can donate their time within work hours to an Australian charity that is related to key focus areas such as medicine or the medical profession.  

3. Workplace Giving Program

Enabling our people, both employees and Members, to  actively engage with the community by fundraising for, participating in and/ or making a donation to a selected charity. To date, our Workplace Giving Program has raised awareness, participation and/or funds for the following activities/organisations: