Keep on with expert advice

Expert advice when you need it!

Our highly experienced team of medico-legal advisers are always available to provide you with personalised and practical medico-legal advice when you most need it24 hours a day in emergencies. Call 1800 011 255 or complete our Contact Us Form- we're here to support you.


Personalised advice tailored for you

We provide tailored advice to support each Member’s individual situation. You can seek our advice on medico-legal matters including:

  • dealing with adverse events
  • managing requests for medical records
  • terminating the doctor–patient relationship
  • confidentiality and privacy
  • writing medico-legal reports for patients, police, insurers and other third parties
  • dealing with subpoenas and giving evidence in court
  • handling the stress of a medico-legal matter.




Top 5 reasons for medico-legal advisory calls from doctors in practice

Advice ethical dilemma 34% medical records 10% doctor patient relationship8%
Advice/Ethical Dilemma       

Medical Records

Ending Dr-Pt Relationship             
practice management 7%
medico-legal report7%
Practice Management

Medico-legal Report


Medico-legal advice at your convenience

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