Risks are a reality in any practice. 

Advice about medico-legal issues in your practice.

We provide advice on topics such as:

  • medical records
  • patient follow-up and test tracking
  • consent
  • privacy and confidentiality
  • advertising
  • management of complaints and adverse events
  • consultation/communication strategies

We aim to help our Members and Practices to develop practical strategies to reduce risks which could lead to claims or complaints.

Members can approach us directly for advice on 1800 011 225 or by email at peaceofmind@mdanational.com.au.  

Free online Resources including case studies, self-assessment tools and one-on-one risk management assessments are available.

We approach individual Members when claims or complaints identify potential medico-legal risks which could be addressed. Our approach is supportive and collaborative, although there is an expectation that you will engage with us, and for some Members with complex claims histories, participation can be a condition of ongoing indemnity cover with MDA National Insurance.