QLD State Advisory Committee Member Profiles
Dr Naidoo was elected to the Mutual Board in November 2018 and was elected as Vice President in November 2020. Dr Naidoo has over 15 years’ experience in clinical and medical leadership roles across both the public and private sectors and is an experienced board director and Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She also holds a Masters in Health Management and fellowships of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators and Australasian College of Health Service Management.

Dr Naidoo is also the Chair of MDA National’s Queensland State Advisory Committee and is a member of the MDAN Group's Nominations & Remuneration Committee.
Dr Hash Abdeen is a Rheumatology & General Medicine Advanced Trainee at the Gold Coast University Hospital and is the current Chair of the Federal AMA Council of Doctors in Training (CDT). He also holds roles as the Adult Medicine Co-Chair of the RACP Queensland Trainees’ Committee & Deputy Co-Chair of the Binational RACP College Trainees’ Committee (CTC). He was the Chair of the Australasian Junior Medical Officers’ Committee (AJMOC) and also the Chair of the Queensland State Junior Medical Officer Forum (JMOFQ) in 2017. 

Hash is passionate about advocating for a positive training environment that ensures quality education and training whilst concurrently promoting the wellbeing of doctors in training and medical students. He appreciates the ever-growing need of the medical profession to take leadership in the Australian Healthcare system: to actively represent ourselves as doctors in concert to passionately advocating for our patients.
Dr Bav Manoharan is the State Clinical Director for the Covid-19 Vaccination Program in Queensland Health. He was previously the Deputy Director of Medical Services and Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Logan Hospital. He previously has trained as a General Surgery & Radiology Vocational trainee.

Bav is completing his fellowship in Medical Administration and has a specific interest in medicolegal matters, clinical governance systems, patient safety & quality care, digital health and designing Value Based Health Care (VBHC) systems. He has completed his Master of Public Health and is a Certified Health Informatician of Australia (CHIA) and a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).

Within the medical community, Bav holds a number of key leadership roles including as Vice-President & Director of AMA Queensland, Director of the National Australian Medical Association, doctor member on the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT), Clinical Reference Lead of the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA), and a member of the Medical Board of Australia’s National Medical Training Survey Steering Committee.

Bav joined MDA National as a medical student and member of the Queensland State Advisory Council since 2017.
Dr Anita Sharma is the practice principal of Platinum Medical Centre, an accredited supervisor for general practice registrars and medical students and member of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ Education Committee and the Diabetes National Faculty Specific Interest Group. She is Senior Lecturer School of Clinical Medicine – Primary Care Clinical Unit, University of Queensland and serves on the Editorial Board for Medicine Today. She is an advisory board member for REED MEDICAL education and develops education modules in chronic diseases like Diabetes, Heart Failure, COPD, Obesity and Osteoporosis.

Dr Sharma is a medical review officer and designated aviation medical examiner (DAME) for the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and Medical Review Officer for Civil Aviation Society of Australia (CASA). She is a member of the State Advisory Committee, Queensland for MDA National and active member of Australian Federation of Medical Women (AFMW).