Dispute Resolution for Policy Holders

MDA National Insurance is committed to dealing openly with all of our policy holders and will endeavor to resolve any complaint quickly, efficiently and fairly. We view complaint resolution as an important part of our continuous improvement process.

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us, relating to our products or services, staff or the complaints handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required.

Internal Dispute Resolution

In our experience, most issues can be resolved with a quick phone call or email to one of our staff. If you are not satisfied with the response to your complaint or do not wish to take up a matter directly with staff, please contact our Complaints Officer by:

Phone: 1800 011 255 (Free call)
Fax: 08 9415 1492
In writing: PO Box 445, West Perth, WA 6872
Email: complaintsofficer@mdanational.com.au

After initial acknowledgement, we will respond to you with a decision within 15 days provided we have all the necessary information and have completed any required investigation. If you are satisfied with our response, the matter will be considered resolved. If you are not satisfied with our response and wish to pursue the matter further you may wish to refer your complaint to the external dispute resolution scheme to which we belong.

External Dispute Resolution

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of our internal dispute resolution process, you can refer the dispute to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA is an independent and impartial national service established to handle enquiries and complaints and to resolve disputes between consumers and their financial service provider. Its service is free to consumers.

AFCA will only review complaints if they have first gone through our internal complaints and dispute resolution process and the matter to which the complaint relates is within AFCA's Rules. Please note that AFCA can consider insurance matters only. AFCA is not able to consider matters relating to your Membership of MDA National. 

For more information about AFCA and the types of matters it can resolve, visit its website at www.afca.org.au or contact our Complaints Officer. Online complaint forms are available on the AFCA website.

You can also contact AFCA by:

Phone: 1800 931 678 (Free call)
Email: info@afca.org.au
In writing: GPO Box 3, Melbourne, VIC 3001